💭 Ethereal Epiphanies

Short-form lightly edited, lightly structured essays, written in 30 minutes.
Published on:
April 21, 2024

🧼 Basic Cleanliness: When Common Sense May Not Be So Common

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"Common sense" seems like it should be universal, but when it comes to cleaning and hygiene, what makes sense to one person might be completely baffling to another. Let's dive into some cleanliness practices that, while seeming like common sense, aren't as widely understood as you'd think.

The Great Shoe Debate

In many Asian and European countries, people commonly remove their shoes before entering a home, helping to keep floors clean and reduce germs. To keep your home cleaner and healthier, remove shoes before entering to reduce dirt and germs. Encourage guests to do the same.

Toilets and the Invisible Splash Zone

Flushing the toilet with the lid up can create a "toilet plume," spraying bacteria, viruses, and aerosolized fecal matter into the air. These particles can travel up to six feet and stay airborne for 90 minutes, contaminating surfaces like towels, countertops, and toothbrushes. Closing the lid before flushing can reduce this spread by 80%. It's a simple step that improves bathroom cleanliness and health. Make the choice that's best for you and your family.

Cutting Boards: A Tale of Two Boards

Cutting boards used for raw meat and vegetables pose a high risk of cross-contamination. To reduce this risk, always use separate cutting boards for meat and vegetables. Color-coded boards, like those used in restaurants, make it easy to keep food preparation safe and organized. This simple step helps prevent foodborne illnesses and keeps your meals safer.

The Art of Handwashing

Washing your hands after using the bathroom is an essential hygiene practice. Yet, many people don't do it properly. This simple step can reduce the spread of germs, but about 20% of people skip it. Effective handwashing involves scrubbing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Are you following this guideline, or do you rush through it? Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after using the bathroom and before eating or handling food. Teach proper handwashing techniques to your family and encourage them to follow this guideline.

The Overlooked Germ Magnets

Light switches and door handles are like the unsung heroes of bacteria. They get touched all the time but are rarely cleaned. Regularly sanitizing these high-touch areas can make a big difference in overall cleanliness. When was the last time you gave your light switches a good scrub? Regularly clean and sanitize high-touch areas like light switches, door handles, and remote controls. This helps reduce the spread of germs and keeps your living space healthier.

Linen: The Forgotten Frontier

Change bed linens at least once a week to reduce bacteria and allergens. Wash sheets, pillowcases, and bedding regularly for a clean sleeping environment. Change your bed linens once a week to minimize bacteria and allergens. Wash your sheets, pillowcases, and other bedding regularly to keep your sleeping environment clean and comfortable.

Your Phone: A Pocket-Sized Petri Dish

One of our dirtiest items is the phone, but we clean it the least. Between all that poking, prodding, and tapping your phone's screen could probably use good sanitizing about as often as your hands are washed. Ever wonder what may be lurking on its surface? Clean and disinfect your phone and other frequently used electronics regularly. Use alcohol-based wipes or other approved cleaners to keep your devices sanitary and reduce germ exposure.

The Dishwasher Conundrum

Proper dishwashing is more than just running hot water and soap over dishes - occasionally sanitize your dishwasher, too. Failure to do so leads to hygiene and odor problems. But are you, in turn, helping or harming your dishwasher if you're not doing that? Sanitize your dishwasher periodically to prevent odor and hygiene issues. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and maintenance to ensure your dishwasher stays in top condition.

The Common Sense Cleaning Guide

"Common sense" may not be as common as we think when it comes to cleanliness. By being open to learning and sharing knowledge, we can improve our hygiene practices and create a cleaner, healthier life. Let's commit to asking questions and spreading awareness to keep our environments fresh and germ-free.

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